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  • Writer's pictureKatherine Mueller

Summer Hunger

Many people think that the Damiano Center is busiest during the cold winter months. While our guests have critical needs related to having inadequate shelter, apparel, and transportation in the winter, it is during the summer that we see the most children and families in need.

During the summer months, children are not in school and do not have access to the resources that they have during the school year. Many of the schools do still serve meals, but they do not bus children to their locations. The Damiano Center

Little girl thumbs up
Getting ready to garden!

also does not offer transportation, but we are centrally located in one of the most high need areas of Duluth.

Having children at home during the summer can stress parents' pocketbooks, but also stresses out the parents themselves! Kids' Kitchen welcomes parents to attend the program with their children, or to drop them off if kids are six or older. This gives parents a break and provides a safe space for kids to spend time. As many as 40 children per day visit for dinner and afternoon activities.

Many families eat meals together in the Community Kitchen. It can be a godsend for families who are struggling to feed everyone during the summer months. On some days we serve more than 400 people during lunch. We welcome anyone who is hungry, though children must be accompanied by adults for their safety.

We are able to provide these and our other programs only because of the support of donors and volunteers. Please consider making a contribution to the Damiano Center this summer, signing up to be a Sustenance Partner, or signing up to volunteer. The families and children need these resources during the summer months, and we couldn't offer them without you!

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