Thank you all for your generosity! Damiano's Free Store and Clothes That Work couldn't operate without all of the wonderful folks in the community who bring us their gently used clothing. We get a lot of donations when people are spring cleaning, and we ask for your patience at this time of year.
The Free Store (formerly Clothing Exchange) doesn't have a lot of space, and some days the sorting room and store get so full that we have to stop receiving donations for the rest of the day until some of the items in the store are taken. We also prefer not to take winter clothing right now since it takes up space that could be used for things that are seasonally appropriate.

We apologize for the inconvenience if you come to donate and are turned away. To prevent that from happening, just give us a call at 722-8708 before you stop in. If you have things that you want to give away right away and we are not accepting donations, some other nonprofits that are doing great work are the Salvation Army and Goodwill, and they may be able to accept your donations on days that we can't.
Throughout the year, remember that we do not accept anything that is dirty, torn, or so worn out that it's not wearable, and we do not have space for furniture. See the Free Store page for hours and other guidelines. Please bear with us this time of year, and thank you for your donations!